Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Why I run?

Seems like a pretty easy question to answer,right. But it's not as black and white as you might think it is. Why I started running, and why I am still running are two different answers.
Why I started running?

I originally started running just to do something active and cheap. And if I am honest so I could listen to my music for a half hour. I also was encouraged and motivated by my dad and a few of my friends. Who were able to be active and healthy while working full-time and since I had just jumped into the working full-time boat. I felt like it was a good idea. The first challenge was knowing that where I live I was going to have to concur hills. We live in a town built on a big hill and its surrounded by hills so you can't go more then a mile without a hill and some are decent sized. So, as I stood ready to run the very first time I stared down the hill and simply tried to ignore the hill after it. I started running down this hill and got to the bottom feeling ok, and frankly pretty confident. Across the bridge I go at the bottom and still confident. I started running up the hill. I got about 50 feet and started walking, breathing to hard to do more running. The confident feeling gone and my willpower almost on zero. Pausing to wonder who's brilliant idea this was anyways. I finished one mile that day of running around my 3 mile loop. Consisting of 2 miles of walking. I got home and I was mad I didn't feel the famed runners high and I was tired.

I wanted to give up right then and there. I had started this to get trained for a 5k. I was starting to think that was a pretty good pipe dream and nothing else. But there was just enough of my very stubborn self that wasn't going to let this running thing get the best of me. Just ask my family they will tell you I am as stubborn as can be. Sometimes to a fault. If I decide I want something bad enough I am hard to stop. Sometimes I swear a trank dart is about the only thing to stop me.

So three days later once I could walk again without a lot of soreness. There I stood at the top of that hill again. Staring down that hill willing myself to make it up that hill this time. Giving that hill the meanest look I could. Again, I made it to the bridge feeling ok and confident but a little scared. I started up that hill and got about half way up and had to walk. Feeling better this time for having made it quite a bit farther. I walked only half of this three mile loop this time. Running a mile and a half. Still feeling like the 5k was a bit too much to ask for.

For the rest of that summer every three days or so I would run the 3.1 miles. At the end of that summer I ran most of the 5k. Concuring my goal for that summer. But I still wasn't satisfied I felt like I could do more. Over the winter I barely ran. I have such a hatred of running on a treadmill and outside is not going to happen in -0 temps. And also my work schedule in winter is 50-60 hours. I started up the next summer with a goal to do a 10k. And I did it. That was last summer. Tomorrow,I will tell you how I am doing this summer. And what my goals are now. Also, I will share: Why i am still running?😜

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