Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Coffee and Life...

Yes, I have a caffeine/coffee obsession. And there are both good and bad sideeffects of such an obsession. A good side effect is I am waaayyy more awake then I would be with out it. But a bad side effect of it is that I get headaches if I don't have it. There are many plusses to coffee and caffeine and so far the plusses still outweigh the bad. That's why my local Starbucks staff knows me so well. Starbucks is my catnip,and a reward for working all day.

Life is a lot like the need for coffee/caffiene. How?
Well, in the morning when I am half coherant and still laying there giving myself and my dog a morning pep talk. And my dog is a fantastic listener by the way. He gets a ton out of these little talks... Well,ok he sleeps through most of them. But its good stuff trust me. And during these little pre-coffee, caffeine free moments. It's when I decide my attitude for the day. Am I going to rock it and rule the world. Or am I going to let the world rule me. Some days it takes making my dog get out of bed and deciding I can do this. While sleepily getting coffee. Some days I wake up and crank my favorite song of that day and put on my outfit. Already one cup of coffee into my day. One of those look out world moments.

       Its the time when I decide if God or Satan is going to help me through that day. Ladies, honestly some days I let Satan rule when I could have had a better day. God wants to rule and should rule everyday but for me sometimes life has pulled the God card out of the deck for that day. I lay there mind reeling, about the to-dos and work and of all the people in my life. Life has an easy way of pulling our mind to an earthly and easily swayed by Satan place. Like the difference between my caffeinated and non-caffienated mind. My mind untainted by the world and life says "thy will be done, Lord".
And my heart feels so peaceful and the day seems easier to tackle. And my heart yearns for everyday to feel like that. But man, the pull of the world and Satan is so strong. I need God's peace and presence to even do this thing we call life. He has to be my Rock or my dear ones all I see is pain and despare. Days when I am trying on my own two feet, I fall down and end up feeling uncaffinated. Because,I forgot my dose of God that morning. I don't forget my coffee for fear of withdrawal headaches. God needs to be not forgotten lest we feel the pains of this world without our fathers protective hand. This world is dark and lonley. In his hands we can be sure that we will be unnafraid and unashamed. So wave that God card high and sip that coffee and step into the day the Lord has made.

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