Sunday, December 11, 2016

Thankfulness and Cheer...

Sitting here halfway between Thanksgiving and Christmas day. A few thoughts from my heart today. 

       Thanksgiving is a man made and an oh so blessed day of remembrance and thankful hearts. We eat a ton of Food, and we eat a pie all by yourself and vow to run on Friday to work it off. Most of us are thankful for family and loved ones. Some are missing loved ones who have passed away. Some are alone,some are as blessed as they can be. Some are praying for better times to come. And some are just enjoying the life in front of their eyes. Children running around with no worries, parents trying to avoid a sugar high and a hectic ride home Adults talking and laughing with a few memories of years ago. The young adults trying to take in all the wisdom and hear all the caution  in some hard times being reminisced about. Games and holiday football games fill the air. Thanksgiving is so blessed and good. But my favorite holiday is still Christmas and here's why...

      Its the second most life changing day in history. The birth of my Creator's Son. The day the world went from hopeless to saved and redeemed.  The Trinity was complete, Jesus had sent his greatest gift to the world. His Son whom he already knew the years of his life and the moment he would ask him to die for not one, not some, but ever man, women, child unborn and living. From the start of the world till he calls us home. My heart yearns more and more for the moment I will see my Saviors face. Pain and darkness feel so looming, and destruction is all around Satan's gripping so many souls . Some days I feel so overwhelmed with thankfulness, and some I just see pain, bitterness and hardheartedness. I shed so many tears for those who are alone and sad this happy time of year. But if I am honest I have my lonely moments as well especially this time of year. The word single seems to grow wings and hover over almost every blessed moment.

    But on Christmas or the days surrounding that day my heart feels a turn towards the Cross and the Manger. I re-read the almost memorized story from my bible of His birth. Always thinking I know every detail,so what's the point. But every year,some new aspect seems to worm its way into my heart and settle me into a wonderfully happy place. I watch the snow and notice how calm and pretty the trees look in a blanket of white. I drive up the mountain near my house and stand atop it looking at the fields, trees, streets and houses below. Taking in the beauty of His creation. There are still moments where I grumble about the snow and as I am chipping ice off my car I say I hate winter. Words which I take back every time I see a young child take in their first snow fall. It knocks the cold out of my heart and I'm right back at 2 with that child, watching their eyes in wonder and amazement at this simple yet special thing we get to enjoy. I love reverting back to five-year's old sledding down a hill or going to get the tree.  I again see my father's hand letting the snow be the special thing it's meant to be. And some days I even say as I step outside into the bitter Wisconsin air. Why, Why, do I choose to live in the state that gets the nickname "frozen tundra" and for a good reason may I add. I mean one day it can be 45 and the next its maybe 20 and snowflakes are falling. So this season I am looking at the Bible and God for my hope and peace. And choosing  to see the world through nature and the beauty of Christmas through a childlike and honest way.

My point is, take in all the moments from pie eating, to sleeping by the tree. Rolling past houses with lights, throw a few snowballs and be 5. Give away joy and love freely. And worship the heavenly King that came oh so sweetly many years ago. Wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!  Memories With God in your corner you will make it through whatever you are going through. Just hang on to hope and leave the pain at Jesus's feet. Gods hand can handle the broken pieces. Just trust Him. Even the most lonely of hearts can be filled with a hope and light if you choose to see it like that. God has good plans for you so dear ones let your heart ache and cry tears in the hard moments and laugh in the good ones. Life will try to tear the happiness of  the season. Satan will seek to rip all the remaining fun from the holidays. Single or not you are a part of this world and the very God who created the baby in the manger. Created you as well, that's a love beyond what we can even grasp. This season God and I are understanding each other better. Single will not define my Christmas no matter how much it wants to. Merry Christmas to all of you! May God be with you today and everyday!

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