Friday, December 30, 2016

Ruth ~

       So,all my blog readers out there I will be once again attempting to do a bible study type post series. Once a week I will post a passage from Ruth. In small segments with my thoughts. You all feel free to follow me on Instagram its the most assured way you get the info on all my upcoming projects. And some heads up on posts. @fitnannyontherun

The posts will cover 5-10 verses each.
All you have to do is read it. I would love your opinions and insights as well. Feel free to post questions and thoughts on what you see or glean from the verses. Or even something that God is doing in your life. I also love to pray for you all out there so feel free to share or email your prayer requests to: You can also share your thoughts on the blog and the passages there as well. And yes its a real email address πŸ˜†

I will be set to drop the first one on Monday night. Remember,my readers I am a fallen sinner and as such my level of understanding is flawed and not perfect. I am coming to you merely as a imperfect believer walking through my own journey and growing in my own ways. I will try to stay humble and very careful of my words. But,because I am human I will fail you. So instead of taking my words as fact, please speak to the one who created me. My Savior and his words are the only ones that hold any water in our fallen world.

Off I go to drink some coffee and study some Ruth... See you guys on Monday night.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Water what about that simple drink we can get from a sink or bottle or refrigerator door. Water I kinda have a love and hate relationship with water. I love how I feel when I get enough water. But let's face it my day to day water consumption is just sad at best.

    But ladies and gentleman, I am taking another step to be healthier by drinking enough water each day. So here are a few tips I use to get enough h2o in my days. I'm on the go a lot so I have to have an easy way to keep my mind on track as far as water goes. The rest of my life is a little not so on track 90% of the time. So, my fitbit is my best friend for this. My fitbit Alta is my little buddy looks like a smartwatch. But a few best features of it are the watch and the alarms (and of course the fitness and step tracking). My Alta buzzes and flashes the time at me at the set time I choose. So I set it for two times a day to remind me to keep my mind on my water goals. At 10 am and at 2 pm. These times help me to keep track of how much water I have drank and how much I have to still drink yet. Some days I smile and tap to dismiss the alarm.

The second tip I have is go buy 2 or three water bottles all different colors or styles. Why you ask ? Mood,and well we all have those days where we forget that pesky bottle in the car or ekk... we lose one.
Or one breaks there was one of my favorite life factory glass bottles that bit the dust in a car overnight in the middle of errrr... winter. In my defense, we had gotten home late from an event. So,I was tired and it was full of water. Therefore, pointing out my statement before about not having a good track record with water drinking. In Wisconsin it gets cold and sometime in the middle of the night the cold made my bottle bust into many pieces. However, the fantastic silicone outside sleeve to the bottle kept all the pieces encased.

Rabbit trail over...

So go buy two or three bottles. You can go cheap and basic but as a sort of water bottle collector I will tell you my two go to brands. I love my klean kanteens I have three. My other favorite is life factory. Klean kanteen's are stainless steel. And my Life Factory bottles are glass. Tomarrow, I will tell you why Love both of them. And why having more than one bottle is important

Thursday, December 22, 2016

My Stadler Pens

These pens well they kinda go with me everywhere... Work, home,church,bible study .

They are my go-to writing utensil for many reasons:

    They are .3mm which if you are obsessed with pens like me you know .3mm pens are not easy to find. Sure they have drawing pens and such in smaller and the same mm as these. But they bleed through stuff, dry out and frankly any less then .3mm break far to easily. So stadler wins hands down in all three of these problem areas. They are a nice thin thickness for note- taking and such. And amazing for writing smaller or basically any type of writing. The porous tip allows no ink bleeding, but keeps writing even when stored upside down. Which as you can see you do in the provided case. Other pens of this type seem to have the dry tip issues if stored upside down. The pigment from these stays very regular and doesn't seem to lessen much with continued use (adult coloring :) or long hours of use).

     The shape- OK, at first glance you might not see the shape difference but these pens are actually triangular in shape and not round. At first I was thinking while its unique it didn't seem like it would effect the use much. Well, I was wrong it effects the use quite a bit in fact it makes using the pens more comfortable and easier to get a good grip.

      The ink, it dries almost instantly helpful for me.I'm a left- handed writer so I always hate pens I use that take 30 seconds to dry because it gets my hand all inky and the writting smears. These don't smear at all the only time I have had smearing issues is if the surface I am writing on isn't made for pen ink. Like plastic or glossy paper. Which if we're honest,most pens besides a sharpie or other permanent ink pen will smear in those situations.


Last, but not least is the fact that these come in a carrying case. Or as the company calls it an easel case. The cases are the last reason I love these pens. I am the queen of taking 5 pens in a bag with me somewhere and somehow always coming home with 4 pens. Now, if you are toting around Bic. Pens no tears needed. But when you invest in $1-2 dollar a piece fancy pens, its a sad moment. I used to just end up buying and endless string of pens. Money not going to much use right there. The black hole in my bags has yet to eat one of these pens. And I love the colors they come in it makes some pretty artwork out of adult coloring. So if your looking for a pen that can sign checks, write notes, crafting or scrapbooking, and also can be used in coloring. These pens are your ideal match. You won't be sorry. I have almost all the colors now. Ekk... What are you waiting for go find some for a little self Christmas gift. πŸ˜†

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Money-wise tip...

Chip Gaines said this so well "growing up my parents said we will provide for your needs and you provide for your wants" meaning if he wanted a game or such in middle school his dad would help him find a way to make the money. And Chip would earn the money and buy it. - from the book The Magnolia Story. By Chip and Joanna Gaines

    Reminds me of my parents we always had our needs met. But they helped us navigate the wants. My mom and dad always helped us find ways to earn money and yet taught us how patience felt. It took me almost a year and a half of saving but i bought myself a wii years back.They taught us how to see money as a blessing and puttig it in the right level of importance.  Money is neccesary but it cant be everything. Still today, I find myself at the store looking at an item going is this a want or a need. Hearing my dad always say things like how long do you have to work to pay for that it? Sticks with me. Life isn't about things its about moments and family and friends. Some of my finest memories are moments with friends and family laughing and talking. You can't put a price or a tag on that. Go Live... Work will not be  in the room when you take your last breathe, people will be.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Why I am still running?

The medal is real wood. My First Half Marathon.

Ok so I have been working all summer on my goal of faster 10ks. And a pipe dream of a Half Marathon next summer. And I had proved that I could run a half on my own in August. So I was good with just waiting until next year.

    I was happy with my speed while out on my own,and the de-stressing of running. If I am stressed I run. If I am sad I run. If I feel well pretty much any emotion in the book I run. Its how I cope with life. And the legs it gives you are not too shabby eitherπŸ˜‚. I was running 8 miles, loving how I felt after. In all honesty I like long runs because I get to.just be on my own and think things over and listen to my music. And the sights around me are amazing. I love my small town and my state the hills and trees. Farms and cows that stare at you as you run past their pasture. Ok I am a complete dork I moo at the cows as I run. And then giggle like a teenager at them staring at me. My whole body has strengthened, and I feel amazing after a run.

Still,I was content with my 6-10 mile runs and didn't feel like I needed to push to do a half marathon race this fall. Then one of my good friends started encouraging me a half. I just kept saying I will in summer next year. Then when they decided last min. to do a half marathon. I caved and did it. I loved the first ten miles and I felt awesome at 7 miles. Then at 10-11 miles my body started to want to stop but my drive kicked in and I said you got this. Then I was re energized I wanted to be super peppy at the last mile. But I saved just enough pep to cross that finish line with a smile on my face. They announced my name and handed me a medal at the line and I was happy and so proud of what I had just done. Amazed at myself and the ups and downs of training and how good I felt. Would I do another one yes and I plan to do one in May 2017. I finished in 2 hours and 16 minutes. Or 2:16 . I am excited to strengthen my body with other workouts as well as running to speed my time up. I am as motivated as ever to continue my goal of faster races. Running has changed more than just how I look but also its changed me. I have done some things I never ever thought I would or even could do. It's a huge part of my life now and I even look forward to running for years to come

Why I run?

Seems like a pretty easy question to answer,right. But it's not as black and white as you might think it is. Why I started running, and why I am still running are two different answers.
Why I started running?

I originally started running just to do something active and cheap. And if I am honest so I could listen to my music for a half hour. I also was encouraged and motivated by my dad and a few of my friends. Who were able to be active and healthy while working full-time and since I had just jumped into the working full-time boat. I felt like it was a good idea. The first challenge was knowing that where I live I was going to have to concur hills. We live in a town built on a big hill and its surrounded by hills so you can't go more then a mile without a hill and some are decent sized. So, as I stood ready to run the very first time I stared down the hill and simply tried to ignore the hill after it. I started running down this hill and got to the bottom feeling ok, and frankly pretty confident. Across the bridge I go at the bottom and still confident. I started running up the hill. I got about 50 feet and started walking, breathing to hard to do more running. The confident feeling gone and my willpower almost on zero. Pausing to wonder who's brilliant idea this was anyways. I finished one mile that day of running around my 3 mile loop. Consisting of 2 miles of walking. I got home and I was mad I didn't feel the famed runners high and I was tired.

I wanted to give up right then and there. I had started this to get trained for a 5k. I was starting to think that was a pretty good pipe dream and nothing else. But there was just enough of my very stubborn self that wasn't going to let this running thing get the best of me. Just ask my family they will tell you I am as stubborn as can be. Sometimes to a fault. If I decide I want something bad enough I am hard to stop. Sometimes I swear a trank dart is about the only thing to stop me.

So three days later once I could walk again without a lot of soreness. There I stood at the top of that hill again. Staring down that hill willing myself to make it up that hill this time. Giving that hill the meanest look I could. Again, I made it to the bridge feeling ok and confident but a little scared. I started up that hill and got about half way up and had to walk. Feeling better this time for having made it quite a bit farther. I walked only half of this three mile loop this time. Running a mile and a half. Still feeling like the 5k was a bit too much to ask for.

For the rest of that summer every three days or so I would run the 3.1 miles. At the end of that summer I ran most of the 5k. Concuring my goal for that summer. But I still wasn't satisfied I felt like I could do more. Over the winter I barely ran. I have such a hatred of running on a treadmill and outside is not going to happen in -0 temps. And also my work schedule in winter is 50-60 hours. I started up the next summer with a goal to do a 10k. And I did it. That was last summer. Tomorrow,I will tell you how I am doing this summer. And what my goals are now. Also, I will share: Why i am still running?😜

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Santevia power water stick~review

       I love to buy bottled water like Smart water and Fiji water. When I do I love how it tastes and how much easier it is to drink more water it is when it tastes so good and crisp. I literally go nutty for Smart water. But to be honest its not an expense I like to spend on anymore. And I don't like the thought of still drinking out of plastic. Who knows what chemicals could be helping it taste good leeching from that bottle. Then there's the non reusable part about the bottles. I have recently started drinking more water again. And also trying to not drink out of plastic water bottles. But man sometimes I get lazy and like to just grab and go (you feel me). So I kept falling off the wagon when it got easier to just grab and go. And smart water I crave that flavor. So I was at a local health food store browsing and saw the normal filters and pitchers and such. But this little box caught my eye.

       I read the front and was excited it reduces Chlorine, adds minerals and raises pH. And the best part is it improves taste. And the price tag wasn't too bad at just under $20. I love it just a fyi though, make sure to activate it in hot water first before use. Perhaps my blonde hair prevented me from reading all the words on the box. :) I love this little stick though and the great thing is it is made out of  stainless steel so it wont leech anything into your water. And the flavor with this little guy is really good and crisp. Finally found a good tasting water and it also raises pH in the water. Which if you have researched pH at all you know all that a lower or higher than healthy pH can do. And for us ladies how much pH has an effect on our hormones and such. And paired with my favorite stainless steel water bottle from Klean Kanteen and bam its almost magical. Happy healthy water drinking to all of you. One way to stay healthier everyday.

Disclaimer: all products mentioned and shown were purchased by me, I am not getting any compensation for my opinions

Coffee and Life...

Yes, I have a caffeine/coffee obsession. And there are both good and bad sideeffects of such an obsession. A good side effect is I am waaayyy more awake then I would be with out it. But a bad side effect of it is that I get headaches if I don't have it. There are many plusses to coffee and caffeine and so far the plusses still outweigh the bad. That's why my local Starbucks staff knows me so well. Starbucks is my catnip,and a reward for working all day.

Life is a lot like the need for coffee/caffiene. How?
Well, in the morning when I am half coherant and still laying there giving myself and my dog a morning pep talk. And my dog is a fantastic listener by the way. He gets a ton out of these little talks... Well,ok he sleeps through most of them. But its good stuff trust me. And during these little pre-coffee, caffeine free moments. It's when I decide my attitude for the day. Am I going to rock it and rule the world. Or am I going to let the world rule me. Some days it takes making my dog get out of bed and deciding I can do this. While sleepily getting coffee. Some days I wake up and crank my favorite song of that day and put on my outfit. Already one cup of coffee into my day. One of those look out world moments.

       Its the time when I decide if God or Satan is going to help me through that day. Ladies, honestly some days I let Satan rule when I could have had a better day. God wants to rule and should rule everyday but for me sometimes life has pulled the God card out of the deck for that day. I lay there mind reeling, about the to-dos and work and of all the people in my life. Life has an easy way of pulling our mind to an earthly and easily swayed by Satan place. Like the difference between my caffeinated and non-caffienated mind. My mind untainted by the world and life says "thy will be done, Lord".
And my heart feels so peaceful and the day seems easier to tackle. And my heart yearns for everyday to feel like that. But man, the pull of the world and Satan is so strong. I need God's peace and presence to even do this thing we call life. He has to be my Rock or my dear ones all I see is pain and despare. Days when I am trying on my own two feet, I fall down and end up feeling uncaffinated. Because,I forgot my dose of God that morning. I don't forget my coffee for fear of withdrawal headaches. God needs to be not forgotten lest we feel the pains of this world without our fathers protective hand. This world is dark and lonley. In his hands we can be sure that we will be unnafraid and unashamed. So wave that God card high and sip that coffee and step into the day the Lord has made.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Get to know me...

Nicole Barnet
My age : 25

My Job ? I'm a Nanny to 4 Amazing Children.

How tall am I ? 5 feet. 6 inches.

My Car ? Burgandy Honda Pilot (red wine colored if you ask me)

My Middle Name? Joy

My favorite drink? Coffee during the day and Wine at night

Favorite song right now? Hmm.... this girl loves music but I would say Remmington by Granger Smith

Country or City ? Well as of now I would say city (i live in a small town Population 1,500)  But I want so badly to be in the Country.

My favorite food? Noodles or pasta however you say it πŸ˜‰

Favorite book? Jesus >Religion by Jefferson Bethke

Favorite Color ? Teal

Any pets ? Yes, my crazy little shadow of a dog. Gus, hes a Yorkiepoo or a Yorkshire Terrier/Poodle Mix. Hes my baby. I spoil himπŸ˜‰hes so loyal though.

Favorite Holiday ? Christmas😨 hands down. In our house Christmas has always been the best holiday we all get giddy and that Christmas spirit they talk about my family runs on it in December. We know how to get Christmas done right.

Favorite store? American Eagle for clothes. Target for everything else. Ulta for makeup and beauty stuff. You all feel me right πŸ˜†

Favorite Movie? I can't. Pick one... so
The Notebook, The Avengers, Becoming Jane, The Hobbit (all 3) 😜

Favorite TV show ? Gilmore Girls πŸ˜ƒ

PC or Mac ? PC all the way

What phone do I have? Samsung S6 in Gold
I am a Samsung Girl all the way... 😍

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Unredeemed by Selah Cover ~

Thankfulness and Cheer...

Sitting here halfway between Thanksgiving and Christmas day. A few thoughts from my heart today. 

       Thanksgiving is a man made and an oh so blessed day of remembrance and thankful hearts. We eat a ton of Food, and we eat a pie all by yourself and vow to run on Friday to work it off. Most of us are thankful for family and loved ones. Some are missing loved ones who have passed away. Some are alone,some are as blessed as they can be. Some are praying for better times to come. And some are just enjoying the life in front of their eyes. Children running around with no worries, parents trying to avoid a sugar high and a hectic ride home Adults talking and laughing with a few memories of years ago. The young adults trying to take in all the wisdom and hear all the caution  in some hard times being reminisced about. Games and holiday football games fill the air. Thanksgiving is so blessed and good. But my favorite holiday is still Christmas and here's why...

      Its the second most life changing day in history. The birth of my Creator's Son. The day the world went from hopeless to saved and redeemed.  The Trinity was complete, Jesus had sent his greatest gift to the world. His Son whom he already knew the years of his life and the moment he would ask him to die for not one, not some, but ever man, women, child unborn and living. From the start of the world till he calls us home. My heart yearns more and more for the moment I will see my Saviors face. Pain and darkness feel so looming, and destruction is all around Satan's gripping so many souls . Some days I feel so overwhelmed with thankfulness, and some I just see pain, bitterness and hardheartedness. I shed so many tears for those who are alone and sad this happy time of year. But if I am honest I have my lonely moments as well especially this time of year. The word single seems to grow wings and hover over almost every blessed moment.

    But on Christmas or the days surrounding that day my heart feels a turn towards the Cross and the Manger. I re-read the almost memorized story from my bible of His birth. Always thinking I know every detail,so what's the point. But every year,some new aspect seems to worm its way into my heart and settle me into a wonderfully happy place. I watch the snow and notice how calm and pretty the trees look in a blanket of white. I drive up the mountain near my house and stand atop it looking at the fields, trees, streets and houses below. Taking in the beauty of His creation. There are still moments where I grumble about the snow and as I am chipping ice off my car I say I hate winter. Words which I take back every time I see a young child take in their first snow fall. It knocks the cold out of my heart and I'm right back at 2 with that child, watching their eyes in wonder and amazement at this simple yet special thing we get to enjoy. I love reverting back to five-year's old sledding down a hill or going to get the tree.  I again see my father's hand letting the snow be the special thing it's meant to be. And some days I even say as I step outside into the bitter Wisconsin air. Why, Why, do I choose to live in the state that gets the nickname "frozen tundra" and for a good reason may I add. I mean one day it can be 45 and the next its maybe 20 and snowflakes are falling. So this season I am looking at the Bible and God for my hope and peace. And choosing  to see the world through nature and the beauty of Christmas through a childlike and honest way.

My point is, take in all the moments from pie eating, to sleeping by the tree. Rolling past houses with lights, throw a few snowballs and be 5. Give away joy and love freely. And worship the heavenly King that came oh so sweetly many years ago. Wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!  Memories With God in your corner you will make it through whatever you are going through. Just hang on to hope and leave the pain at Jesus's feet. Gods hand can handle the broken pieces. Just trust Him. Even the most lonely of hearts can be filled with a hope and light if you choose to see it like that. God has good plans for you so dear ones let your heart ache and cry tears in the hard moments and laugh in the good ones. Life will try to tear the happiness of  the season. Satan will seek to rip all the remaining fun from the holidays. Single or not you are a part of this world and the very God who created the baby in the manger. Created you as well, that's a love beyond what we can even grasp. This season God and I are understanding each other better. Single will not define my Christmas no matter how much it wants to. Merry Christmas to all of you! May God be with you today and everyday!