Thursday, October 2, 2014

The trees covered in snow... In October??? :(

Quote in picture. Picture Taken on my Phone!! 

      This word was mentioned already makes me want to cry. Snow the one word me and every other person in Wisconsin hate hearing before at least November.  Last year's really cold and long winter we are dreading it even more.
     So this morning during a Prayer time more like me sobbing at Jesus's feet. Woke up feeling like my life is fine, then about half an hour later feeling like I want to go back to bed. Fellow ladies know what I am saying, don't you? I was praying about my life and a situation that has been so heavy on my mind as of late. I was finally able to just pour it out. I have brought this situation before the throne so many times and it felt again like God wasn't going to answer me.  All the sudden, God spoke to me and I will tell you for a min. I sat there stunned and all I could say was woah, Lord. After I was able to speak again, I said thanks Lord I needed that. I am always so humbled when I feel like God answers my prayer even when all I think I do is whine and complain. The quote below came to mind. 

Sometimes God calms the storm. . . sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child

     I've started writing a verse on my wrist every day... Let me tell you I have memorized a few already. This is from the girl who never liked the idea of writing on herself now loves it. But to be fair this seems like a good enough reason to write on myself.  Mondays verse is stuck in there Proverbs 19:2 - Desire without knowledge is not good- how much more will hasty feet miss the way. This verse speaks to me about when God asks us to wait for the things we would give anything to have right at this moment. I think I am starting to get through my human brain that His timing is the best. And, how true are the words in this verse. The way I interpret this verse is if you desire something and don't know much about it then you may step in the wrong direction so perhaps sometimes the fact that God slows you down is to help you not miss His best. 

Speaking of God's best. Picked up this book and study guide today because I wanted to do a study again. 
It looks so good!!~ I will update you on how good it is soon enough. 
Lysa Terkeurst The Best Yes The Bible in this Picture Goes with me everywhere it is so beat up. But it is my favorite one it has all my marks and notes. And It fits in my purse ;) 

    So my Lovely young Ladies out there please keep your head up God is still right there. The storms of life will never go away all the way but God is your lifeguard... Keep drinking the Coffee and Living for the one who Died for you. 

     I know its already October But I am going to do a September favorites post. I love seeing those posts. hope you guys do too. 

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