Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Prince Charming~

     We all have some sort of picture in our mind about what he is going to look like. Some of us have a picture that is more like a fairy-tale and some of us are hanging on for a romantic comedy look alike. But what else are we looking for, besides a handsome face. How much deeper have we really thought beyond the physical part of our future husband. Now I don't want  you to pull out a list that you have hidden in a diary or anywhere else. I want you to write down 3 or 4 things that have nothing to do with appearance but everything to do with things that are not negotiable. What does my list look like:

1. He has to be totally in love with God with everything in him.
2. He has to have my back and truly love me.
3. He has to love children and love the idea of being a daddy.
4. He has to love adventure,and finding it with me. 

     Okay, so now we have the non negotiable list, but what about a list for character traits and personality likenesses. Aren't those kind of important too? Of course they are they are things that make you fall deeper in love with someone. In fact if a young man I meet doesn't have a good sense of humor I am not as attracted to him as I would a young man who is funny and likes to laugh. But do you have to be careful with how you look at what character traits are important?, yes. I like looking up a character trait list taken from a biblical view. Integrity, strength,  patience, a leader.  If you have a young man on your mind right now. Are you thinking does he have the things that are not only important to me,but also to God?  I am most certainly not saying if a young man does not have 100 % of the character traits on a list we go not him and don't think he's the one for us. No, because we are not living up to 100% either for me not even close.  How do we know if the young man we are interested in has a chance?

     How do we truly know his character and beliefs. Just observe him when you get the chance how does he communicate with others, especially other women. Is he quiet, kind, gentle. Or is he loud, a little harsh, and not gentle. And these are not all of the things you will see, but no matter what you see you can get a better idea of who he really is. Talking, to him will give you an idea of what he believes, and who and what mean the most to him. Does he act like a gentleman holding doors and such things. How about what he does for fun what does that list include. Again, talking to him and asking him questions and seeing what he does in his spare time let's you see what are the things he really enjoys.  Example:  I love to sing , hang out with friends, listen to music, reading, and Running.  There are more as well but these are what I really enjoy.

     So now we know the character traits, things he really enjoys. But what about physical attraction?

Well while the physical attraction has it's place in importance, it is not everything. Let me ask you this do you really think you will fall for someone who you don't find attractive? I know I wouldn't. And please do him a favor and knock that image of Channing Tatum or Wilson Bethel out of your head. Because, honest ladies sure he may look good but we don't know him. Just like, if you said oh he's cute and then you found out he isn't a Christian. And your response is, well we will just have to change that because look at him he is just so handsome. This where the danger of physical attraction and knowing nothing more can get you into trouble. Because once you get to know him and something disappoints you, you might not think to clearly anymore. I know because it happened to me.  Just an FYI even if you are at a Christian concert and a very attractive man gives you attention doesn't mean he is a Christian. Because 10 min. Later after the music stops and he is with his friends and throws around swear words like nothing suddenly you go man I wasted an hour thinking you were awesome. And, I almost gave him my phone number (that would have been a huge mistake)  Or in some other cases maybe you waste a lot longer than an hour. I have done that too. 

 Ladies, keep your head up cause your Prince is out there and here's a crazy thought but you might already know him. Then again, perhaps you don't but either way he will bring "The One"when the time is right. 

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