Saturday, July 19, 2014

True Beauty

7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
1Samuel 16:7 (NIV)
~ True Beauty ~ 

If you are at all like me, that phrase brings out the fear of not measuring up. And the feeling of not ever being a model or magazine-cover-worthy takes over your head. Everywhere we look today we see the perfection that we think we have to strive for. The clothes that look better on the hanger, the makeup that doesn't fix and cover all the marks that we fear people can see. The hair that some days you want to tear out of your head. And the smile that could be whiter, and straighter. The skin that never quite heals and keeps us buying new things to cover it up. And I think the worst one for we girls is the fear of not being seen as pretty by young men. For some of us the battle of perfection and reality is just too hard. So we hide behind our makeup,clothes and our Facebook profile pictures in hopes that no one sees what's really underneath. Now don't think I am saying you can't enjoy these things. I love trying new makeup, and new clothes are fun. But the point I am trying to get to is: what is the real emotion we are trying to cover up?

     The real emotion might vary a bit from person to person but the fear of imperfection keeps us hanging on. Perfection is not possible anyways so why do we feel the need to try and measure up to it. It all goes back to Adam and Eve because that is where satan started messing with heads. So why do we choose to believe a blatant lie from satan? And why do we see it as a truth ? When in all reality true beauty is not outward perfection, but it has everything to do with the heart. Cause, if we face it we will never be satisfied with how we look in our own eyes. And are we supposed  to be satisfied with our own beauty? I don't think we should be satisfied with our own beauty. Why you ask? Because God created us for others and Him to see as beautiful.  How many times as a girl did you hear someone say you look pretty and you went yeah... and your mom pokes you and goes you should say thank you. Let others say that you are pretty not you.  

     So then why do we care what the outside looks like. My answer is because we can enhance what God created in a responsible and fitting way. We are women and we should enjoy the body and natural beauty we have been given. So wearing dresses and feminine things such as jewlery is a good thing. And enjoying makeup and doing our hair is fine. As long as it does not become the focus and the center of what we find our beauty in. True beauty and the contentment in our beauty comes from God. I am going to leave you with one last thing, God willingly died for you and with you in mind. And he created only one women that looks just like you. That's true beauty at its finest. 

One of my favorite verses: 
Psalm 31:25- She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

So, my dear young ladies out there. Let your strength and dignitythat you have in Christ shine out of you. And enjoy every monent of life here on earth and laugh in pure joy and stand firm in Him ^. 

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