Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Prince Charming~

     We all have some sort of picture in our mind about what he is going to look like. Some of us have a picture that is more like a fairy-tale and some of us are hanging on for a romantic comedy look alike. But what else are we looking for, besides a handsome face. How much deeper have we really thought beyond the physical part of our future husband. Now I don't want  you to pull out a list that you have hidden in a diary or anywhere else. I want you to write down 3 or 4 things that have nothing to do with appearance but everything to do with things that are not negotiable. What does my list look like:

1. He has to be totally in love with God with everything in him.
2. He has to have my back and truly love me.
3. He has to love children and love the idea of being a daddy.
4. He has to love adventure,and finding it with me. 

     Okay, so now we have the non negotiable list, but what about a list for character traits and personality likenesses. Aren't those kind of important too? Of course they are they are things that make you fall deeper in love with someone. In fact if a young man I meet doesn't have a good sense of humor I am not as attracted to him as I would a young man who is funny and likes to laugh. But do you have to be careful with how you look at what character traits are important?, yes. I like looking up a character trait list taken from a biblical view. Integrity, strength,  patience, a leader.  If you have a young man on your mind right now. Are you thinking does he have the things that are not only important to me,but also to God?  I am most certainly not saying if a young man does not have 100 % of the character traits on a list we go not him and don't think he's the one for us. No, because we are not living up to 100% either for me not even close.  How do we know if the young man we are interested in has a chance?

     How do we truly know his character and beliefs. Just observe him when you get the chance how does he communicate with others, especially other women. Is he quiet, kind, gentle. Or is he loud, a little harsh, and not gentle. And these are not all of the things you will see, but no matter what you see you can get a better idea of who he really is. Talking, to him will give you an idea of what he believes, and who and what mean the most to him. Does he act like a gentleman holding doors and such things. How about what he does for fun what does that list include. Again, talking to him and asking him questions and seeing what he does in his spare time let's you see what are the things he really enjoys.  Example:  I love to sing , hang out with friends, listen to music, reading, and Running.  There are more as well but these are what I really enjoy.

     So now we know the character traits, things he really enjoys. But what about physical attraction?

Well while the physical attraction has it's place in importance, it is not everything. Let me ask you this do you really think you will fall for someone who you don't find attractive? I know I wouldn't. And please do him a favor and knock that image of Channing Tatum or Wilson Bethel out of your head. Because, honest ladies sure he may look good but we don't know him. Just like, if you said oh he's cute and then you found out he isn't a Christian. And your response is, well we will just have to change that because look at him he is just so handsome. This where the danger of physical attraction and knowing nothing more can get you into trouble. Because once you get to know him and something disappoints you, you might not think to clearly anymore. I know because it happened to me.  Just an FYI even if you are at a Christian concert and a very attractive man gives you attention doesn't mean he is a Christian. Because 10 min. Later after the music stops and he is with his friends and throws around swear words like nothing suddenly you go man I wasted an hour thinking you were awesome. And, I almost gave him my phone number (that would have been a huge mistake)  Or in some other cases maybe you waste a lot longer than an hour. I have done that too. 

 Ladies, keep your head up cause your Prince is out there and here's a crazy thought but you might already know him. Then again, perhaps you don't but either way he will bring "The One"when the time is right. 

My Favorite Foundation ~

~Pur Minerals~ 

In the Picture: is my Primer and two foundations and my bronzer. All these Products are sample sized except for the liquid foundation. All were purchased by me from ULTA Cosmetics. 

So for the reviews... 

Let me just say before this primer I was not a primer user and it was because I had never thought it was worth it. And while I don't think it is worth quite the amount it costs, but I do like it. The biggest plus about it for me is that it helps with the oil on my nose,cheeks, and forehead from causing my makeup to run quite as fast. But it does keep the skin more even and the pores are most definitely less visible.  I love how silky the primer is it feels so smooth and smells decent. Although in the end I don't think it is worth the price tag I do like it for occasional use.

Pur Minerals 4-in-1 Liquid Foundation ~ Light Clair

This Foundation is Amazing. I love the coverage and feel and look of this one on my face. And I like the smell as well. It wears really well. Now I have a really oily nose and cheeks so I have issues with running about half of the way through the day. This can be remedied with oil absorbing cloths. But if you don't have oily skin this stuff would be amazing. I did go to my local ULTA and ask the lady at the makeup counter to help me find a good shade. And I also told her I would rather stay with the mineral makeup. And she was wonderful and found me this treasure. Now the price is a bit steep but I love it enough to buy it again. The mineral ones are almost always more expensive. I can't really wear the chemical based ones because of my sensitive skin. It also has a SPF of 15.

Pur Minerals 4-in-1 Pressed Mineral Foundation ~ Light/Clair
This one has got to be my favorite foundation powder I have ever tried. I love it so much and the coverage is almost as good as the liquid one. It wears really well and yes it does still run after half a day. But once again, its all about the oil absorbing sheets to fix that. And also once and awhile a little re-application of it to the nose and cheeks. The price is a bit higher than I would like but I love it so much so it is worth it to me. And it also does have 15 SPF in it. And it is so nice to be able to use just powder I like it alot better than the liquid for traveling. And all around I like this one the best. I feel like it covers over blemishes and makes things look so smooth and pores seem to almost disappear.

Pur Minerals Mineral Glow Bronzer~
This bronzer is somewhat of a miricle worker. My favorite way to use it is as a blush adds just enough bronze color and still looks good. It also has a good amount of shimmer in it and not too much. It is not to hard to get the right amount of it either so I love that about it. I love the fact that it is in a pressed version instead of loose powder, which makes it way to easy to use way too much. And it adds just enough glow to my skin instead of making it look too glowy.

Soon, I will do a review on my favorite eye shadows. I also will show you my favorite brushes and other tools.  And eventually I will show you my daily routine for makeup and hair. And my skincare as well.

Have a Blessed Day !~  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Inspiration ~

     Isn't it something how someone can come into your life and they just inspire you. You start to think of life a bit differently. Start to want to do things like they do. You start to realise how much they mean to you. Maybe, you saw it coming and maybe you didnt. But there you are forever changed.

     So many friends I have  been blessed with could be in this category. Some are still in my life and others, life took them away from me. But all in all, each one has left inspiration behind.

So today, I encourage you out there to write down the people who have inspired you...

Carrie Underwood - Forever Changed (Lyric Video):

Saturday, July 19, 2014

True Beauty

7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
1Samuel 16:7 (NIV)
~ True Beauty ~ 

If you are at all like me, that phrase brings out the fear of not measuring up. And the feeling of not ever being a model or magazine-cover-worthy takes over your head. Everywhere we look today we see the perfection that we think we have to strive for. The clothes that look better on the hanger, the makeup that doesn't fix and cover all the marks that we fear people can see. The hair that some days you want to tear out of your head. And the smile that could be whiter, and straighter. The skin that never quite heals and keeps us buying new things to cover it up. And I think the worst one for we girls is the fear of not being seen as pretty by young men. For some of us the battle of perfection and reality is just too hard. So we hide behind our makeup,clothes and our Facebook profile pictures in hopes that no one sees what's really underneath. Now don't think I am saying you can't enjoy these things. I love trying new makeup, and new clothes are fun. But the point I am trying to get to is: what is the real emotion we are trying to cover up?

     The real emotion might vary a bit from person to person but the fear of imperfection keeps us hanging on. Perfection is not possible anyways so why do we feel the need to try and measure up to it. It all goes back to Adam and Eve because that is where satan started messing with heads. So why do we choose to believe a blatant lie from satan? And why do we see it as a truth ? When in all reality true beauty is not outward perfection, but it has everything to do with the heart. Cause, if we face it we will never be satisfied with how we look in our own eyes. And are we supposed  to be satisfied with our own beauty? I don't think we should be satisfied with our own beauty. Why you ask? Because God created us for others and Him to see as beautiful.  How many times as a girl did you hear someone say you look pretty and you went yeah... and your mom pokes you and goes you should say thank you. Let others say that you are pretty not you.  

     So then why do we care what the outside looks like. My answer is because we can enhance what God created in a responsible and fitting way. We are women and we should enjoy the body and natural beauty we have been given. So wearing dresses and feminine things such as jewlery is a good thing. And enjoying makeup and doing our hair is fine. As long as it does not become the focus and the center of what we find our beauty in. True beauty and the contentment in our beauty comes from God. I am going to leave you with one last thing, God willingly died for you and with you in mind. And he created only one women that looks just like you. That's true beauty at its finest. 

One of my favorite verses: 
Psalm 31:25- She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

So, my dear young ladies out there. Let your strength and dignitythat you have in Christ shine out of you. And enjoy every monent of life here on earth and laugh in pure joy and stand firm in Him ^. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Coffee... and life ~ ♡♥♡♥♡♥

Sitting here at starbucks...
So many things are running through my head. But somehow my heart knows just where it should land. Knowing who's hands are holding my future and that he knows just how its all going to happen. So my encouragement for today is that you let your heart rest in His hands. Let all the struggles of life be in His control and keep your head up. There is a light at the end of any darkness that is holding you down. Let God's light shine through you. Let satan have the day off playing with your heart. Show off your real beauty, and Joy you have in Christ.

Psalm 27:14New International Version (NIV)

14 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Pour Over Coffee !

One Of the Fastest and Best Tasting ways to make coffee right here. 
And it is so easy.
And the best part is you can make coffee right into your travel mugs as well. 
It also works for Iced Tea as well. 

Step 1 : Put 4 scoops of your coffee into the cone filter. 
I typically use a bigger mug, I usually get about 12 oz. of strong coffee with 
this method. You can also adjust the amount of grounds for your taste. 

My coffee, The pour over cone and filters are from Starbucks.
The glass mug is one of my favorites. (I collect Coffee mugs)

 Step 2 : Heat up your water till it is boiling. 
My Electric Bella Tea Kettle World Market-Italian Roast coffee! 

Such good Coffee... 
Step 3:  Pour water into coffee till its up to the top of the filter. 
Do not go over the filter if you do, grounds will make it into the coffee in the mug.  
Oh! Makes me want to eat the grounds. Look at that foam. 

 Step 4 : Let the water filter through and then Enjoy !
Finished Product !~

It is Really that easy. And it is my favorite way because you can make just one mug. Great for evening coffee. :)
Or even a late afternoon pick me up cup. 

Some Questions: about me ~

What is my middle name ? Joy
What is my favorite drink?  Coffee
What is your favorite song right now?  Invisible by Hunter Hayes
What is my favorite food? Noodles and pretty much anything on them.
Favorite Book? Pride and Prejudice by : Jane Austen
Favorite color?  Teal (blue)
Do I have any pets ? A dog: Gus ( yorkiepoo)
Favorite Holiday ? CHRISTMAS !!~~~
What is your favorite store? Target
Favorite Movie? Becoming Jane, or The Notebook
Favorite TV Show?  Gilmore girls, although Hart of Dixie runs a really close second
PC or Mac?  PC all the way
What Kind of Phone do you have? Andriod, Samsung Galaxy S3
How tall am I ? 5" 6'

Once Upon A Time...

Before you get some silly idea in your head...
Give me a minute to explain what this blog is all about. I am a twenty-three year old girl who loves embracing her Graceful and girly side. And yet I also love being outside and enjoying nature. I am constantly on a steady intake of caffeine, and all day long I am being followed around by my dog, Gus. I love my family and friends. I love to talk about things that I love and reviewing things as well.  Oh, and I will be sharing personal stories along the way as well. My faith and family are my everything. So in sum, this blog is about my life, my faith and the Joy in everyday moments...