Friday, January 1, 2016

Expectations and life...


            Expectations, sometimes I seem to forget what this word even really means. It means to essentially have an idea or plan of how something should go. Or even how a person should react to a situation or even to something that is said. Seems logical enough, right?  I say I'm sad! and the expectation of the person I am communicating with. Would be one of equal sadness, or at least of feeling my sadness. Asking questions like Why are you sad ? What's making you sad? What's wrong? They seem valid and realistic and some people will reach that  particular expectation. But, is it then horrible and unfair if they don't have that reaction or ask those questions. Is it fair for you to want everyone you know to react like your expectations?

            Is it fair to place our expectations on other humans. The only one where expectations will always be met is with God. He will always hear us out and be there always. There are many verses in the bible that touch on people failing you. And goodness some days I sure feel the weight of that one full force. Some expectations are normal and even good. I expect my dog to let me know when he has to go outside to pee. And not to just pee in the house somewhere. He's been trained to do so, right? So, my expectation is one that is fair and should be accomplished without fault. But what happens if I do step into a yellow puddle somewhere do I get rid of my dog? No, of course not that would be silly. You clean it up and move on. So there are some expectations that are good and even helpful. There is however a line where expectations get dangerous to ourselves and all of our relationships.

          I personally think everyone has their own line to find with God's leading. Just what expectations are benefiting or not to them.  What do I mean by dangerous to yourself?
What, I'm referring to there is the expectations that are lofty or are not essential to reality. Example : I expect this person I am friends with to buy me a gift for my birthday. Perhaps, I have even dropped hints to that friend about a gift or that my birthday is coming soon ...wink wink. The day comes and your friend shows up no gift no bag no present at all. You tell yourself it's ok but deep down it stings you really thought they cared enough for you. Then your mind starts doubting your friendship with that person and how much you mean to them. Now, just think if you had gone into that situation with gratitude, and contentment with your friend taking time to meet with you. Realizing that perhaps that can mean more than a gift ever would. It's so hard to be grateful in this day and age. We are told, more expectations will fix it. And it runs all the way down to what we expect from others. Ask yourself this question,next time you start to expect something of someone or of a situation. Ask, Can I be ok emotionally if this person/situation turns out differently then in my head ? If the answer is yes then you go right ahead thinking like that. If not, then take a step back and reevaluate why or how you can change your expectations to deal with it properly. It's hard, and I am far from done working on it. In fact short of heaven I don't know if I will be able to be done working on it. I have found when I started to realize that perhaps the expectations. That, I had were ruining my enjoyment of many situations and moments. I started to realize something had to change. I found myself smack in the middle of an issue that was robbing me of alot of Joy and appreciation. When I finally narrowed it down to expectations. I could start to fix the pattern of expectation and letdown. It's a lot more fun, and glorifying to God, going into a situation going God your will be done here. And let it all pan out and being happy and taking in every second. Life is only so long don't let failed expectations drag you down. God has big plans for you don't let anyone or anything steal that from you.

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