Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I want to take it all in.


 Psalm 62:1 ~ Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.

     Yesterday, I talked about not missing a second of life. Today's post is about taking it all in. I know what you're thinking.  "I work," or "I am a mom.  I am busy and I have a to-do list down to the floor.  How can I possibly get all this done and still 'take it all in?' I mean, I am so overwhelmed my brain can't stop thinking and racing.  I barely have time to eat and sleep.  Coffee is my lifeline to being focused.  Life has become such a blur."  Have you ever felt like this? Do you still feel like this ?
      I know that feeling so very well. It tends to overwhelm me, just listing off all the things I need to do. Knowing the list won't go away starts to get to me. I find myself praying on the go, everything becomes so to-go. So how, with all the stuff on our never-ending list, can we get it all done and still see the blessings life has to offer?  Can we find in each day, moments to remember without turning that into just another chore? We can, and here's how.  Ask your self two questions: why and how. WHY are you doing what you are doing? HOW are you able to do what you are doing ? 

     Here's an example: Grocery shopping. Why are you going grocery shopping?  So you can provide  food for you and your family.  How are you able to buy the groceries?  Either you or someone you love has been blessed with a good job and has worked hard to make the money so you can buy those groceries.  My point...? When you step back and see the motivation and the provision behind the things you have to do, it helps you to see why you are doing what you are doing and for whom you are doing it. When you realize you have a good reason for doing the things on your list and that it is positively affecting the people you love, it suddenly doesn't seem so routine and meaningless but has purpose.  
      So next time you are at the store, tired from work, caring for your children, or whatever fills up your days, remind yourself that you have very good reasons for doing what you are doing, and that you are blessed to be able to do it. So take your time and take that list in. Take all of the items on your list and ask the how and why questions. Realize that your list has purpose and that it is a true blessing in disguise.  No matter how routine it may seem, don't forget to 'take it all in.'  

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