Saturday, September 5, 2015

I want to be happy as much as I can.

Happiness: The state of being happy. 

I am blessed with a mostly happy personality.  Ninety nine percent of the time if you see me I will be smiling. I love to laugh so much.  Sometimes I find ridiculous things so funny and when asked why, I can't even tell you. And one of my favorite things to say is "If you're going to die, you might as well  die laughing." I said this right before I jumped  off the platform onto a zip-line. I ran and jumped off the edge, laughing and smiling and maybe screaming a bit all the way down. I love making moments into mini-parties. I'm the girl who sings out loud and dances in the middle of Walmart because I love the song that just came on. I love to enjoy life as it comes and worry later. When I am happy, nothing can stop it. When I am upset, I am just upset. I like feeling every emotion as its own thing. I love being happy too much so no other emotion lasts too long.

The point here is that being happy is a choice. It's not that my life has been all happy and easy 'cause it has not been. But I also know I havent seen many horrible things happen in my life. Have there been some hard things I have been through?  Oh, yes. Have I fought through storms and struggles? Of course I have. There have been days where I get knocked down because it's just too much to handle. My faith has been shaken. Some days I get scared and feel alone, lose all hope. So how then can I still find happiness through all this?

My only answer is God. I can't say anything else. He's the reason I see life as a party and can choose to see some flicker of hope in any situation. He's allowed me to smile and laugh, even when I am overcome with pain or sadness, or even when a situation is too heavy for me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. He's the one that helps me still seem to hang on to a ray of light or see a little sliver of hope in any situation. Life is rough and some days it's relentless and just won't let up. That is when all the strength I have left is to come to God in tears and say, "Lord, I have nothing left.  Please help me." He is always there to pick me up and never ceases to amaze me. Every day I can't believe I get to live the life I do. Only by His grace and His grace alone can I be happy as much as I am.

So please trust the One who created you today. Let Him give you the strength and happiness that you need today. Never will you find anything better than leaving your struggles in His hands. So leave all of it there and smile in Him and His love.

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