Friday, October 9, 2015


Picture: NIV-Message -parallel Bible

           Ok, so before I start this Bible study-type blog post series, I want you all to know that I am no Bible scholar. In fact, doing this kind of thing is out of my comfort zone by miles, but I feel like it is a good exercise in faith and trust. Oh, how often our heavenly Father asks us to do things that make us wanna hide and go, "No, not me, Lord, you chose the wrong person for this." Then we mentally think of someone better equipped and secretly hope God gives up asking us to do it and chooses instead to  put it on their heart. That would be me right now behind my computer screen. My brain is thinking,  "Oh my, I don't know about this.  Really, Lord, why are you asking me to do this?" I just know, my dear fellow Christians, that I am concerned for where our freedom to worship is headed. Something in me says take in all the scripture you can now so that you have it is hidden in your heart where no one can take it away.  I don't know about you, but many of the recent events in our country have left me concerned for where our country is headed.  How much longer we will have freedom to worship our Father freely?  I know God has it all under His control and in His very capable hands, but man, it is unsettling. My Bible is one of the most precious things I own.  I can't even imagine not being able to have one or worse, having it taken away, but why not prepare just in case?

           So that is what I am going to do.  So, friends, let me humbly come before you with my thoughts on the book of James and share what I am learning along the way.  Please never take my opinions or interpretations as fact, but always seek the Lord and His word for wisdom and discernment. As I like to say, put all things through the 'God filter' and if they come out clean on the other side, then you're good to go.  So since I am still on a caffeine buzz, I will start to write the first post of this study.  Please pray for my heart and my words. Pray also for God to use this as He wants to and that His will is done through it. Have faith and keep walking His path.